Overcoming Parent-Child Contact Problems: Family Based Interventions For Children’s
Resistance, Rejection and Alienation
Oxford University Press publisher. Edited by Drs. Abigail Judge & Robin Deutsch
This volume is a must read for clinical and legal professionals working with high-conflict families and especially families in which a child is resisting or refusing contact with a parent. It provides insight into family-based interventions, giving a review of the indicators, models and clinical challenges when working with such families. It provides an in-depth review of The Overcoming Barriers Approach informed by a wide range of research evidence.
Contributors to the book include OCB Founders, Drs. Robin Deutsch, Matt Sullivan and Peggie Ward; respected author Dr. Barbara Fidler; Dr. Rebecca Bailey of Transitioning Families, Dr. Michael Saini of the University of Toronto; Dr John Moran of the OCB Board, Dr. Abigail Judge of Harvard Medical School; and commentary by Professor Nicolas Bala, Dr. Janet Johnston, and Dr. Leslie Drozd.
“Overcoming Parent-Child Contact Problems is a timely and thoughtful contribution to the vexing challenge of reintegrating the family when children resist contact. The authors describe the key elements of their ground-breaking program, provide practical techniques clinicians can use in their practice today, and provide concepts that family law attorneys and judges can use in crafting orders tomorrow. Read this book!” Angus Strachan, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA.