Overcoming Parent Child Contact Problems: Family Interventions
Online course offered in collaboration with William James College.
This 30-hour multi-module training provides an exciting opportunity for those working in the field and encountering these complex situations. Mental health professionals face significant challenges trying to assist families when a child is resisting contact with a parent after separation/divorce.
Trainees will gain an understanding of the most current, cutting edge conceptualization of these issues as well as what to consider when working with complex family resist-refuse dynamics. Through online lectures presented by experts in the field, trainees will learn how to identify the salient issues facing these families. The presenters will illustrate the importance of recognizing their own biases, holding multiple hypotheses and taking a family systems viewpoint. The course demonstrates a deeper and evidence-informed approach to this difficult and complex work.

Dr. Deutsch working with the “family”
Video clips were specifically designed for this course to illustrate how clinical work progresses from intake to work with parents, children, the coparents and the entire family. Dr.Deutsch, playing herself in the role of the family therapist, works with the family and individual family members throughout the process of family reunification. Extending apologies and creating a new family narrative are important components of this work as well as understanding when to let go. Drs. Sullivan, Drozd and Ward role play the individual family member’s therapists. During the course the attendees have the opportunity to follow this family’s therapeutic process and watch the experts at work.